Hepatitis and Social Stigma in our Society

Hepatitis and Social Stigma in our Society

Hep B and C are major causes of chronic liver disease leading to Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma. From last few years we are working on Hepatitis patients in my community, till now around 30 patients taking Hep B medication under our NGO. Hepatitis B is...
Together we can stop cancer in its track

Together we can stop cancer in its track

London, 1st February 2018, over the last two decades, deaths caused by liver cancer have increased by 80 percent, making it one of the fastest growing causes of cancer deaths worldwide. ” what many people don’t realize is the correlation between the sharp...
Who experiences Cancer pain ?

Who experiences Cancer pain ?

Not everyone with Cancer experiences pain. But unfortunately, very often pain accompanies cancer. 70 percent to 80 percent diagnosed with cancer complain first of pain. Another 30 percent experience pain from the treatment of cancer. Cancer pain can be the result of...
Big thanks for Everyone

Big thanks for Everyone

A very big thank you to everyone for successfully carrying out our project on the elimination of deadly disease like Hepatitis B among our Tibetan community . We foremost aim to tackle this issues at the remote places. It’s like almost two and half years that our NGO...
Who experiences Cancer pain ?

Who experiences Cancer pain ?

Not everyone with Cancer experiences pain. But unfortunately, very often pain accompanies cancer. 70 percent to 80 percent diagnosed with cancer complain first of pain. Another 30 percent experience pain from the treatment of cancer. Cancer pain can be the result of...